Here, you will find answers to the most Frequently Asked Questions made by our members.
The site is free for women. Men have to pay.
How do I become a premium member?
- You register for free.
- You look around for free if you like the members of the opposite sex listed on our site.
- You choose the duration of your Premium membership.
- With the completion of the transaction you will get instantly all the perks of a Premium member.
- Enjoy your new Premium Membership! .
What happens if I give a member access to my Secret Photo?
When you upload a secret picture, you can enable your chat-partner to see your secret picture for 3 days (72 hours).
You can test these things by chatting to yourself (click view/change my data and then send message to yourself) and giving yourself access to your secret picture.
You can upload you secret picture here.
Is it possible to contact VOLOSDATE.COM if I have questions or problems with the site?
We look forward to hear your opinion, ideas, personal success stories or in case you may face any problems with the site. Feel free to contact us: supportvolosdate.com or give us a call at 0049-89-381683841.